I have a bunch of Juju-managed sites which use LXD a lot. Some of them don’t have LXD version pinned, so LXD got upgraded to LXD 6 latest/stable snap. Juju doesn’t guarantee stable work of LXD 6 managed by Juju.
I wander if it is safe to rollback from the latest/stable LXD snap to 5.0/stable? Will it require any modification of LXCs? Will it break containers?
Also the default snap channel is 5.21/stable and not latest/stable now, so we don’t recommend running any new production deployments using latest/stable (even if pinned).
Does Juju ensure that LXD isn’t installed from (or upgraded to) latest/stable?
Does Juju support the current LXD 5.21 LTS release series?
If so then it would be vastly preferable to roll them back to the 5.21/stable.
As this gets them on an LTS series rather than a rolling release channel.
A cursory test shows that LXD 6.1 can be rolled back to 5.21/stable at this time (not guaranteed forever though due to future DB schema changes that will be made):
snap install lxd --channel=latest/stable
2024-08-05T10:20:30Z INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart...
lxd (candidate) 6.1-4cd98ce from Canonical✓ installed
lxd init --auto
lxc ls
To start your first container, try: lxc launch ubuntu:24.04
Or for a virtual machine: lxc launch ubuntu:24.04 --vm
lxc refresh lxd --channel=5.21/stable
lxc ls
However it is not possible to rollback to 5.0/stable from 5.21/stable or latest/stable.
Are there any specific issues you’re encountering with Juju and LXD 6.1?
Also worth noting that LXD 5.21/stable supports ZFS 0.8 in the kernel (so is more suited to older Ubuntu hosts) whereas LXD latest/stable only supports ZFS 2.1 onwards.