Rocks Public Journal 2024-08-27

:rock: What’s new?

:partying_face: Ubuntu bases are now available for riscv64

All currently supported Ubuntu base container images (20.04, 22.04, 24.04 and 24.10) are now also available for the riscv64 architecture.

How to add a new internal user to a rock

Check out this new Rockcraft guide.

Change of default behaviour for the ca-certificates_data slice

We’re reverting a recent change to the ca-certificates_data slice such that its original behaviour is preserved, i.e. when installing ca-certificates_data, the Mozilla certificates are NOT kept in the chiselled filesystem.

New Chisel slices:

Wanna hear more about rocks?

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Stay coal!

Are you interested in expanding the coverage of your team’s activities ? UWN now has inaugurated a new section “Ubuntu Meeting Activity Reports”. As proper coverage is beyond our scope to determine what the Rocks Team would like a focus on (instead of a generic, somewhat quick outsiders view), would you commit to making up a weekly summary in a prospective sub-section of our Community NewsLetter?
If You, or a member of the Rocks Team, will undertake this responsibility/obligation we will set up the sub-section - Rocks Public Journal XXXX. This will provide much greater exposure than the single line presently listed in the Meeting Reports section of the letter.

On behalf of the UWN team


That would be great @bashing-om .

Let us know how to proceed and I’ll make the necessary adjustments within the team to switch from a fortnightly journal to a weekly update.

I will set up the sub-section under the “Ubuntu Meeting Activity Reports” header; wherein a team member is to make up a 4 line summary of any events. Then list the source for readers to access for the full details like so:
<Rocks Public Journal 2024-08-27>
with the link enclosed in brackets.


Great. Thanks @bashing-om . I took note of that and we’ll start making the edits starting from the 16th of Sep :wink: