Rocks Public Journal 2024-03-25

:rock: What’s new?

Chisel v0.9.1

Chisel v.0.9.1 has been released. This patch fixes the constraint on the length of package names, now accepting packages with less than three characters in length.

Dependency checks for slices

New CI checks have been added to chisel-releases to provide a comprehensive view of the slice dependencies versus the upstream dependencies defined for the corresponding package.

Enhancements to Rockcraft’s how-to guides

Continuing the series of enhancements in Rockcraft documentation, the landing page of the how-to guides was restructured, divided into categories, and enriched with extra summaries.

Pebble starting services first before running subcommands

This fix ensures Pebble services are started before executing whatever client commands are passed to pebble enter.

:package: Miscellaneous

Rocks Community monthly meeting

The monthly community meeting was held on 26 March. Feel welcome to join those meetings to learn more about rocks, seek help regarding rockcraft, or just chill with the rockstars!

Wanna hear more about rocks?

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Stay coal!

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