Rock's entrypoint will no longer have the --verbose argument

Hi rockstars and rockers,

Soon, we will be dropping the pebble’s --verbose argument from rock’s entrypoint. You can still pass --verbose to pebble on your own, e.g. docker run <your-rock> --verbose.

If you believe this change will break something for you, please reach out to the ROCKS team so we can discuss it before the PR [1] is accepted and merged upstream.




To add some more context, dropping the --verbose option from rocks’ entrypoint (which was previously pebble enter --verbose) means a few logs will not be showing up by default. Unless of course, you pass the --verbose argument yourself.

The logs that will be absent by default are –

  • Service outputs/logs.
  • Any kind of logs while running docker run <rock-name> [...] exec [...] command.

If you need those logs for whatever reasons, you may need to pass the --verbose argument manually e.g. docker run <rock-name> --verbose <cmd..>.