Roadmap for Productivity Snaps of Web-Based Office Suites in Ubuntu?

Hello Ubuntu Community,

I’ve been following the developments around Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 LTS with great interest. The roadmap shared by Tim from Canonical has notably highlighted the introduction of productivity snaps for Google Workspace and Microsoft 365.

I’m curious about Canonical’s strategy and ongoing efforts regarding these office suite snaps. Could anyone provide some insights into the plans for these applications? Specifically, if there are goals or strategies for integrating these applications more deeply into the desktop, I would appreciate details on how Canonical plans to enhance the user experience when using web-based office suites on Ubuntu.

Thank you for your commitment to transparency and community engagement.


Hey Kim,

Great to see interest in our roadmap. Sadly the Noble cycle didn’t really go according to plan and we had to pause the snap/office plans for now. We will provide details the day we are ready again to work on that feature.



Hello Sebastien,

Thank you for the update. It’s the first time I’m hearing that the Noble cycle has faced significant challenges. But hey, no plan survives first contact with the enemy.

However, I strongly believe that the integration of major office suites through snaps could be a game changer for many users and could significantly boost Ubuntu’s adoption in professional environments. Given its importance, similar to what Proton has achieved for gaming on Linux, I believe it’s critical for Canonical to consider prioritizing this feature. It might even be a source of revenue if Canonical uses it to promote and resell subscriptions for these office suites.