1 Where do lxd keeps track of IPs released to instances/containers? Is there some dhcp server kind of thingy? I wanted to crated HA k8s on three machine containers using kube-VIP. So this needs IP (for virtual IP purposes) to be reserved for HA in k8s. This IP has to be part of same SM as instances.
Lets say I want to reserve IP, 253 for HA purpose. how do I do that? Once reserved these IPs should not be assinged to any VMs/instances created later.
2 With /24 254 IPs are possible. Is there any way I cand modify this subnet?
edit - for 2, looks like editing lxc network edit lxdbr0 and changing values of ipv4.address is suffice for SM change. Only thing is - you need delete existing instances to get IP from new range
So I went to /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/networks/lxdbr0/ and there dnsmsq.pid file have thse arguments. Tried editing the dhcp-range argument on this file and bounced lxd service from snap.