Repling to specific post

Seems very hit or miss here when choosing to reply specifically to a prior user’s post.
Even though when composing a specific reply one sees the little icon and user name replying to, many times that doesn’t work out when reply is posted.
Is there some (non) obvious trick or is the site got an issue with this ‘feature’

I’ve noticed that too.

It seems that you have to specifically mention the person you are replying to in order for the post to be seen as a reply rather than just another post.

Edit: I replied to @mc3man’s post using the the ‘Reply’ button at the foot of his post and my reply was seen as just another post in the thread that he started.

Edit 2: I was wrong. Even that doesn’t seem to work (now).

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I found the solution a few days ago:

According to that thread, reply indicators can be suppressed when it is obvious which user is being replied to. I’m still trying to work out if that is what I’m actually seeing though. :smile:

I was going to say that in the last day when I put an @username at top then the reply deal worked.
Tried 4 times, worked 4 times.
Tried here above but didn’t work so obviously not the reason.
The link you provided seems to make sense now…

Test if a one post separation is enough…
Edit seems it is, excellent…

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