Removing OSDs - Pre-Quincy

This guide describes the procedure of removing an OSD from a Ceph cluster.


This article is intended to provide guidance for removing an OSD in legacy charms. For the latest charms in the quincy/stable channel, a new remove-disk action is introduced to enable a simpler procedure. There is a Quincy version of this page available.

Juju Versions:

The following instructions are written for Juju version 3.0 and above. If you are using a release of Juju prior to 3.0, you should:

  • Use juju run-action instead of juju run to run action scripts on the unit.
  • Use juju run instead of juju exec to execute remote commands on the unit.
  1. Before removing an OSD unit, we first need to ensure that the cluster is healthy:

    juju ssh ceph-mon/leader sudo ceph status
  2. Identify the target OSD

    Check OSD tree to map OSDs to their host machines:

    juju ssh ceph-mon/leader sudo ceph osd tree

    Sample output:

    -1         0.09357  root default                                   
    -5         0.03119      host finer-shrew                           
    2    hdd  0.03119          osd.2             up   1.00000  1.00000

    Assuming that we want to remove osd.2. As shown in the output, it is hosted on the machine finer-shrew.

    Check which unit is deployed on this machine:

    juju status

    Sample output:

    Unit         Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports  Message
    ceph-osd/1*  blocked   idle   1         No block devices detected using current configuration
    Machine  State    DNS             Inst id              Series  AZ       Message
    1        started  finer-shrew          focal   default  Deployed

    In this case, ceph-osd/1 is the unit we want to remove.

    Therefore, the target OSD can be identified by the following properties:

  3. Take the target OSD out of the cluster and check cluster health again:

    juju run-action --wait $OSD_UNIT osd-out osds=$OSD_ID
    juju ssh ceph-mon/leader sudo ceph status

    Note: Generally, taken an OSD out of the cluster will trigger weight rebalancing that migrates placement groups (PGs) out of the target OSD. However, special cases where some PGs stuck in active+remapped state may occur. When encountering such a problem, you can rejoin the OSD back to the cluster and manually reweight it to 0:

    juju run-action --wait $OSD_UNIT osd-in osds=$OSD_ID
    juju run-action --wait ceph-mon/leader change-osd-weight osd=$OSD_ID weight=0

    After the reweighting, the PGs will be migrated to other available OSDs. Hence, you can safely proceed to the next step without marking the target OSD out. For more information, please refer to Ceph documentation.

  4. Before stopping and destroying the target OSD, we need to make sure it is safe to do so:

    juju run --unit ceph-mon/leader ceph osd ok-to-stop $OSD_ID
    juju run --unit ceph-mon/leader ceph osd safe-to-destroy $OSD_ID

    You should only proceed to the next steps if both checks are passed.

  5. Stop the OSD daemon.

    juju run-action --wait $OSD_UNIT stop osds=$OSD_ID
  6. Confirm that the target OSD is down:

    juju ssh ceph-mon/leader sudo ceph osd tree down

    Sample output:

    -1         0.06238  root default                                   
    -5               0      host finer-shrew                           
    2    hdd        0          osd.2           down         0  1.00000
  7. Purge the OSD:

    juju run-action --wait ceph-mon/leader purge-osd osd=$OSD_ID i-really-mean-it=yes

    This action removes the OSD from the cluster map and OSD map. It also removes its authentication key.

  8. (Optional) If the unit hosting the target OSD does not have other active OSDs attached and you would like to delete it, you can do so by running:

    juju remove-unit $OSD_UNIT

    Note: This step should be taken with extra caution. If there are active OSDs on the unit, removing it will produce unexpected errors.

  9. Ensure the cluster is in healthy state after being scaled down:

    juju ssh ceph-mon/leader sudo ceph status