Sebastien Bacher (@seb128)
New Task created 61 days ago; 2019-08-27 13:37:00
Still no action, I can’t reproduce it and have no clue what info to request at this point.
Bug #1781597 in network-manager (Ubuntu Bionic): “[SRU] WoWLAN settings are not supported”
Triaged Task created 326 days ago; 2018-12-05 15:34:00
We got another SRU uploaded, hopefully it gets validated and we can include the fix here once the previous is through
Khurshid Alam
In Progress Task created 102 days ago; 2019-07-17 19:00:00
Marco Trevisan (Trevio) (@3v1n0)
In Progress Task created 588 days ago; 2018-03-19 09:14:00
Branches rebased and re-proposed, bileto is built and ready to be published.
Bug #1793496 in mutter (Ubuntu Bionic): “scaling changes when closing/re-opening the lid”
New Task created 53 days ago; 2019-09-04 13:49:00
The proposed fix was for evaluation, but I didn’t get any feedback, so I can’t proceed.
Triaged Task created 145 days ago; 2019-06-04 13:57:00
No update here
Triaged Task created 145 days ago; 2019-06-04 14:00:00
No update here
James Henstridge (@jamesh)
Bug #1781428 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Bionic): “please enable snap mediation support”
Triaged Task created 28 days ago; 2019-09-29 13:25:00
Till Kamppeter (@till-kamppeter)
Bug #1809132 in network-manager (Ubuntu Bionic): “Updated bionic to the current 1.10 stable version”
In Progress Task created 310 days ago; 2018-12-21 16:53:00
In Progress Task created 310 days ago; 2018-12-21 16:53:00
Robert Ancell (@robert.ancell)
Triaged Task created 251 days ago; 2019-02-18 13:30:00
No progress.
Bug #1844799 in gnome-software (Ubuntu Bionic): “Use new snap banner format”
Triaged Task created 37 days ago; 2019-09-20 13:19:00
No progress.
Mauricio Faria de Oliveira
Bug #1848210 in ghostscript (Ubuntu Bionic): “ghostscript: ensure update of cups-filter”
In Progress Task created 12 days ago; 2019-10-15 14:11:00
Timo Aaltonen (@tjaalton)
Bug #1848522 in mesa (Ubuntu Bionic): “Backport packages for 18.04.4 HWE stack”
New Task created 10 days ago; 2019-10-17 14:28:00
Timo Aaltonen (@tjaalton)
Triaged Task created 207 days ago; 2019-04-03 12:09:00
Daniel van Vugt (@vanvugt)
Bug #1843733 in fftw3 (Ubuntu Eoan): “fftw3 ftbfs in eoan (armhf only)”
In Progress Task created 40 days ago; 2019-09-17 14:35:00
Fix still awaiting upstream review.
Triaged Task created 12 days ago; 2019-10-15 13:44:00
In progress upstream.
Confirmed Task created 5 days ago; 2019-10-22 13:39:00