(Re-)Connecting WiFi in Kiosk?

We are working on a PySide2 (Qt for Python) based desktop application that we want to run in a Kiosk environment. I was able to get that running using Mir Kiosk tutorial.

One thing that we are still not certain about is how do we connect to a WiFi, think of a case where in a building the wifi access point name is changed, how do the “admins” re-connect the wifi ?

It may make sense to have a “minimal” shell of some sort that only admins could access or something. Maybe @alan_g or @greyback could shed some light here ?

This doesn’t seem like a Mir topic, FWIW. Any shell you introduce will be an attack surface. How does the admin authenticate? How do they switch to that shell?

The market consensus seems to be to use a mobile app connecting to the device over Bluetooth.

For the network setup you might want to use berrylan.org.

There’s a snap for nymea-networkmanager. However, we haven’t managed to make it a confined snap yet… You’d need to install it in classic mode unless you can help with this https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/raspberry-pi-3-bluetooth-and-dbus-issue/8344