Quick Question openSeaChest Firmware updating

After pulling some of the SAS drive all Dell by Seagate I noticed several actually have a mismatch of firmware for the same models.
Had a heck of a time locating the FW, finally found it on Dell’s website.
I just recently install openSeaChest so I’m NOT 100% comfortable with the utility yet. Although I did play with the openSeaChest_Basics command.
Looked to be a useful tool.
So I’m currently looking at the Ubuntu openSeaChest_Firmware Man Pages.
Without going into great detail /dev/sg0 through sg8 are my WD drive so the first drive for the seagate drive will be sg9
so the command

 sudo openSeaChest_Firmware -d /dev/sg9 --downloadFW <name of new FW.bin>  --downloadMode  auto  --onlySeagate

Should upload the firmware into the drive and with the download mode set to auto “should” let the software handle if it’s deferred or immediate activates the new FW. But MAY or MAY not require a powercycle on the drive dependent on the software chooses.

A quick review of the syntax would be greatly appreciated from those whom have used this utility.
Thank You in advance
oh I didn’t add sudo infront of the command …

Sitting here after initially posting the above and I keep looking at the LUN warning on the Man pages. As well as think what could go wrong in the process. I’m considering sticking the extra HBA I have in the media server and doing it from there keeping it away from my zpool. Even though I added the --onlyseagate option.
Sorry noticed I wound up posting the first time in the server area by mistake which is why I deleted and reposted.

I’ve dug a bit deeper into the openSeaChest Utilities.
And appears to be more complex than I initially thought. It appears that I could use openSeaChest_basics command as well to update the firmware of the drives. Which may be the a easier method.

I had a extremely minor issue with the Seagate drive which led me to this Package. When I review all the drive within the same model numbers. I seen three differing firmware version. These are Dell branded Seagate drive, naturally off to the Seagate site I go. Through digging I ran across the openSeaChest utility package. I installed via apt everything went great.
Then back to Seagates web site to check for firmware update, running the drives serial numbers netted zero firmware update. Puzzled I thought about it. Then to the Dell website I go …Yep firmware updates… downloaded them, the only thing that bugged me was I thought they was awful large and why are they OS specific ?
well I did run the openSeaChest firmware update … failed … so here I am looking at the monitor with the classic RCA his master’s Voice look. so I decide to look at the bin files . aggh they was actually for dell system not specific to just the drive. OK can that Idea
But back to the issue that was bugging me so I seen the option for ready led info on off in the man page (could that be that simple).
My issue is resolved I just need to turn ready led in the on state for 6 drives. The firmware was not the issue at all.
My thoughts if anyone is interested is I really like the utility (openSeaChest) a lot.