and rebooted, problem has gone - why xfce was installed I don’t understand as I never installed any of the packages that relied upon it that were also removed.
Did you make the unsupported upgrade from LXDE to LXQt back then?
Not that I am aware of. The 20.04 system which I upgraded was a fresh install. I parked this against install-and-upgrade rather than lubuntu as it only showed up when I did a release-upgrade to 24.04.
You didn’t answer my first question. This is Lubuntu? If so, please add the lubuntu tag.
Assuming it is Lubuntu, LXQt came in 18.10, so if this install was originally 20.04, that’s not the issue. And since you removed all the XFCE packages, we can’t figure out why they got installed, but you installed them somehow. Check the manifest for Lubuntu 20.04 and you’ll see it doesn’t include anything XFCE.
BTW, /var/log/installer/media-info should tell you what your original version was.
I get that. They were probably installed by you installing something else. We could look up hypothetical possibilities but the true answer was removed when you removed them from the system. That said, I’d probably mark the removal as your solution and close this topic.
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