- eiciel LP: #2077346 / MP 471528 already fixed by the upload of gtkmm4.0/4.15.1-1, marked Disapprove
- snapd-glib LP: #2077103 already sponsored, unsubscribed ubuntu-sponsors
- s390-tools LP: #2077055 already sponsored, unsubscribed ubuntu-sponsors
- libpod LP: #2077610 / MP 471802 reviewed and sponsored
- golang-github-anacrolix-fuse MP 471886 reviewed and sponsored
- libervia-backend LP: #2077974 / MP 472204 reviewed and sponsored
- ruby-html2haml LP: #2078369 sponsored a sync, but it FTBFS
- ruby-jsonpath LP: #2078370 reviewed and commented
- ruby-html2haml MP 472409 reviewed and sponsored