ODH-028: Fight! Markdown vs reStructuredText vs AsciiDoc vs XML

Open Documentation Hour, recorded 23rd August 2024.

Massive thank you to Vladimir for running this session.

00:00 Welcome
00:05 Updates
01:20 Fight!
02:10 Markdown vs reStructuredText vs AsciiDoc vs XML
02:48 Why and when they were all created
03:55 What is docs-as-code?
04:27 Source code
05:11 Building documentation
06:35 Some pros and cons
08:24 Lightweight markup languages
08:35 Markdown
10:00 Markdown pros and cons
11:30 Restructured text
12:01 Restructured text pros and cons
13:50 AsciiDoc
15:00 AsciiDoc pros and cons
16:00 Comparison: verbosity
16:30 Comparison: general attributes
17:35 Comparison: tooling
18:10 XML
18:30 DITA
20:30 DITA summary
21:30 DocBook
22:00 DocBook summary
23:00 S1000D summary
24:20 XML-based tooling examples
25:00 XML-standards comparison
25:50 Madcap Flare
27:00 How to select a markup?
27:30 Overall comparison
30:40 Lightweight markup language selection
33:35 Documentation at Canonical
36:00 Questions