Noble Numbat 24.04 Wallpaper Competition

Many congratulations to our winners! Let them know how much you appreciate them in the voting topic!

Category Submission Author Final Vote Count
Mascot :star:WINNER - Fuwafuwa Nanbatto-san (Dark/Light Variants) @amaral 46
Mascot :star:WINNER - Little numbat boy @azskalt 41
Digital Art :star:WINNER - Province_of_the_South_of_France @orbitelambda 53
Digital Art :star:WINNER - Monument Valley (Arizona) @orbitelambda 50
Nature :star:WINNER - Mount Fuji, Japan @amaral 52
Nature :star:WINNER - Northan Lights @mizuno-as 45
Other :star:WINNER - Lightbulb Rainbow @audioaddict 39
Other :star:WINNER - Clouds @moka-hun