News! UbuCon Latin America 2024, 9th Edition

Greetings, Ubuntu Community! :earth_africa:

We have important news about Ubucon Latin America!

Due to the Pruebas Saber(nacional standardized tests) in Colombia, we have decided to reschedule the dates of the event to make sure that all participants can attend without inconveniences.

New dates: :spiral_calendar: August 30 & 31

What does this mean? :thinking:

  1. More time to prepare :hammer_and_wrench:: Take advantage of these extra days to organize your travel, prepare your presentations and workshops, and plan your participation.

2. A better experience :star:: By changing the dates, we make sure there are no conflicts with the important Saber Tests, allowing more people to come and join.

3. Greater participation and collaboration :handshake:: With this new date, we expect even greater attendance, which will translate into more learning and networking opportunities for everyone.

We’re excited to see you there! :tada:

Ubucon Latin America will be a vibrant space full of knowledge, innovation and community. With incredible conferences, workshops and activities, we are sure these two days will be unforgettable.

Help us spread the word! :loudspeaker:
Share this news with your friends, colleagues and on your social networks. The more people who know about it, the better our Ubucon will be.

Thank you for your understanding and support. See you on August 30 and 31 to celebrate together our passion for Ubuntu and free software.

See you in Barranquilla! :star2: