Need help with new Wubuntu install

Newbie user
Have Wubuntu installed on my computer .
Runs great and have it setup the way I want it to except for the large shortcut arrows on desktop.
Anyway to remove shortcut arrow ?
Cant find any resolutions on google :wink:

Also how would I attach a pic etc in any posts I submit ?
Thank you

There is no Wubuntu flavor of Ubuntu. You can see official Ubuntu flavors at this page -

You maybe should ask at given you’ve chosen to use a non-Ubuntu system.

We can help you if you using Ubuntu or any of the Ubuntu flavors, but you’re asking about something different; your system maybe Ubuntu based, but it’s not Ubuntu.

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Thank Chris
Thought all along I was using a flavour of Ubuntu with its name .

Just checked the Ubuntu link you had given me & I was thinking of Ubuntu flavours Mate or Kubuntu.

Leaning more to Windows store flavour.

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I can’t speak from personal experience here as I hardly ever use Windows. But some say that Kubuntu is reasonably like Windows, so it might be worth trying that and seeing if it suits. We could definitely support that here.

Thank you … will install VMware on my computer & try out some of the flavours before I install on disk permanently :slightly_smiling_face:


Just my two cents I have always found virtualbox to be easier to setup for a new user and it usually works great. If you need any further help please start a new thread as this one will be off-topic for help with any support question since we do not support Wubuntu here.

Thank you and look forward to seeing how your experimenting with Ubuintu flavors progress in a virtual environment.

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A post was split to a new topic: Problems connecting ethernet and wifi on Kubuntu