Missing snap store or gnome software in Ubuntu Unity 24.04.1LTS installation

I just did a fresh install of Ubuntu Unity 24.04.1LTS (standard installation) and was surprised to see that neither the snap store nor the gnome software applications were installed; only Synaptic. I was able to get them installed from Synaptic but this seems to be a real oversight??

I would not call it an oversight. In my opinion, this was a deliberate decision of the developers.

I can see the logic of this decision. I have installed Ubuntu Unity and I am very impressed by the work done. I remember when Ubuntu switched from Gnome 2 to Unity and then switched again to Gnome 3 shell.

I followed Ubuntu and Unity up to Unity 7. I liked using it. Now, I have got used to Gnome shell.

I cannot remember if Ubuntu had a software center in those bygone days. I do remember Synaptic Package Manager.

I guess that Ubuntu Software/Software Center/Snap Store have all been written to run on Gnome 3 desktop environment and Gnome 3 Shell. Re-writing them to fit in with the Unity User Interface would have been a lot of work. In my opinion.

There are several default applications in Ubuntu Unity that a normal Ubuntu user would find strange choices. But that is the privilege of the developers.

When you base a Linux distribution on another distribution you have to accept much but you can also reject much and design the distribution as you like.


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Moderator Note


This is a question requesting a fact-based or knowledge-based answer, preferably from the Ubuntu-Unity team.

The OP is not asking for speculation or general discussion at this time.

Let’s please stay on-topic here.

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