MicroCloud documentation

If you’re starting to work with MicroCloud, make sure to check out its documentation!

At the moment, the documentation is still rather basic, and we’re constantly working on extending and improving it. We added a step-by-step tutorial a couple of weeks ago, and we’re currently working on a clearer explanation of the networking requirements.

Documentation is always a work in progress, and even more so in the early stages of a product. And you can help to make it better!

There are different ways to contribute, depending on your preference, technical skills, and the time you’re willing to commit. All kinds of contributions, big and small, are very much appreciated!

Typical ways to contribute are:

  • Open a GitHub pull request with documentation updates.
  • Create a GitHub issue to suggest a documentation update or point out something that is missing, unclear, or wrong in the documentation.
  • Post a question, a suggestion, or a tutorial here on Discourse.

See How to contribute to MicroCloud and in particular Contribute to the documentation for more information!

We’re looking forward to your contributions!


I continue to get access denied when trying to create a new conversation.

I’ve increased your user level.