Matrix Council meeting: Jun 6 2024

Meeting Attendees

Mauro Gaspari (@ilvipero) , Aaron Rainbolt (@arraybolt3), Nils Büchner (@nbuechner)

Meeting chair

Mauro Gaspari (@ilvipero)

Meeting Agenda

Matrix bots process for launchpad group.

As previously discussed, The Ubuntu Matrix Council wants to encourage Matrix Bots to be created within the Ubuntu Matrix homeserver. This requires a few actions to be taken, including Launchpad, Synapse configuration, and documentation:

  • Launchpad group for Ubuntu Matrix homeserver bots: Ubuntu Matrix Bots in Launchpad.
  • Mauro Gaspari (@ilvipero) to test if the launchpad group is enabled in the SAML groups of the Matrix homeserver.
  • Mauro Gaspari (@ilvipero) to test run the process and create or update documentation.

Identd server

IS DevOps team confirmed they will be moving IRC bridge from a K8S charm to a machine charm (an openstack VM) and configure a dedicated outgoing public IP to that VM.

Matrix Known Support