Meeting Attendees
Mauro Gaspari (@ilvipero) , Aaron Rainbolt (@arraybolt3), Nils Büchner (@nbuechner), Grégory Schiano (@gschiano), Merlijn Sebrechts (@merlijn-sebrechts)
Meeting chair
Mauro Gaspari (@ilvipero)
Matrix Stability
Some stability issues happened this morning, July 4 2024. The issues were not caused by Synapse, but by infrastructure in the datacenter hosting it.
IRC Updates
Networking and Identd
@gschiano and @merkata are working on networking requirements to deploy the IRC bridge. This is being charmed and IS DevOps is working to integrate it within the Canonical network.
IRC bridge & IPv6
Juju does not support dual stack IP, so the priority at this stage is to get IRC bridge working. So the plan is to deploy it with IPv4 first, then we can experiment with IPv6.
IRC bridging plans
Once the test of IRC bridge is completed, Matrix Council will contact the IRC Council, and work together on a plan to start bridging a few rooms, monitor status, tweak settings and find a solution that is acceptable to both sides of the bridge.