LXD Service fails to start

Hello all,

My LXD Service used to start for the past 2 years with no issues. I’m not sure if the LXD upgrade is what caused the problem now. Here is the lxd.log output.

SDG was the old drive that was ZFS from a long time ago.
I have a “new” SDG has been running fine for over 2 years that’s BTRFS based and contains all the containers and profiles.

It’s in this path and btrfs shows that the containers are there.

LXD Service won’t start because of this error so I can’t clear the storages from it’s configuration.

time="2023-09-01T10:30:54-05:00" level=warning msg=" - Couldn't find the CGroup blkio.weight, disk priority will be ignored"
time="2023-09-01T10:30:54-05:00" level=warning msg=" - Couldn't find the CGroup memory swap accounting, swap limits will be ignored"
time="2023-09-01T10:30:55-05:00" level=error msg="Failed mounting storage pool" err="Source path \"/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/share/btrfs/lxd-storage/\" isn't btrfs" pool=sdg
time="2023-09-01T10:30:55-05:00" level=error msg="Failed to start the daemon" err="Failed applying patch \"storage_zfs_drop_block_volume_filesystem_extension\": Unvailable storage pools: [sdg]"


Which LXD version is this?


Hi Tomp,

lxd 5.17-e5ead86 25505 latest/stable canonical✓ -