Linuxfest Northwest 2025

Hello! I’m one of the volunteers for LinuxFest Northwest. This year is especially exciting because it is the 25th anniversary! @valorie-zimmerman It would be great to see you again at the fest this year! Would love to meet more folks from the various flavors of Ubuntu as well. We will try to keep happenings updated on the site and on our discourse as the date approaches. Hotel and travel info is currently in the works. Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do to help with your decision to attend!


Hello @dinab!
I would love to have a chat with you or someone else from the LFNW organizing team about Ubuntu Community and Canonical involvement for the event. Perhaps a DM? :slight_smile:

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Especially for the 25th anniversary, I think it would be great to get as many flavors as possible. I think I could probably make it up there this year to represent Lubuntu.


Amazing! Our prospectus is up on our site at with an email at the bottom of the page. That’s the best place to reach all of us. If you have questions that I won’t be able to answer, then one of the other organizers can see the message and respond as well.

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Perfect! We’ll be in touch soon!

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