When trying to open ANY PDF, Libreoffice Draw ALWAYS give the error:
“General Error.
General input/output error”
Group and user ownership is of current user.
In the journal the only (possibly) relevant lines I found after PDF file opening FAILS are:
gvfsd-wsdd[251353]: Failed to spawn the wsdd daemon: Failed to execute child process “wsdd” (No such file or directory)
gvfsd-network[177201]: Couldn't create directory monitor on wsdd:///. Error: Automount failed: Failed to spawn the underlying wsdd daemon.
Not sure if the above wsdd errors have any relevance yet.
Ubuntu 24.04.1
LibreOffice 420(Build:2)
Same behavior both for default v6.8 and mainline v6.11.11 stable kernels.
Again Draw gives the above error when opening literally ANY PDF.
Also tried debugging with --backtrace, nothing in debug log when PDF opening fails.
Couldn’t find how to report a bug with Libreoffice yet, and suspect this may be related to some Ubuntu’s default app restricting application’s access, therefore asking here.
Is Libreoffice installed with SNAP by default?
No issues with opening any file in Libre Writer on same FS/drive.
Is it only PDF files that will not open in LO-Draw; what about other image filetypes and other docunent files such as .doc or .docx and do calc spreadsheets open as they should in the appropriate application of LO?
You can find out easily if you have LO as a snap by running command snap list
and for LO installed as a .deb run command apt policy libreoffice
And for complete information where are the LO documents and files in your filesystem.
Is it only PDF files that will not open in LO-Draw; what about other image filetypes and other docunent files such as .doc or .docx and do calc spreadsheets open
.ods and .xls, .txt and .odt open no problem in Writer and Calc wherever I put them.
Haven’t used Impress yet.
By now only Draw is having issues with PDFs (haven’t tried Draw native format yet) since I installed 24.04.1 (I installed it on BTRFS upfront, so don’t know what happens on other FS).
where are the LO documents and files in your filesystem
I tried putting PDFs in multiple places e.g. /home/user/Downloads and /home - Draw cannot open ANY PDF anywhere.
Tried removing special symbols from paths/dirs - it didn’t help.
I have subvolumes for /home and some of /home subdirs (i.e. ALL relevant data files are in some subvolume).
According to the output of those two commands I suggested you do not have Libreoffice either as a snap or a .deb installation.
I know nothing about flat packs but might you have installed Libreoffice that way?
Just out of interest can you open any PDFs using one of the document viewers rather than Libreoffice-Draw, and can you add a PDF as an image to a existing LO-Writer document using insert-image?
can you open any PDFs using one of the document viewers rather than Libreoffice-Draw
Yes, no problem with any PDFs in 2 non-Libreoffice apps.
I created a simple .odg in Draw and saved it in the same dir with .pdf (created with Writer) - Draw opens .odg no problem, but cannot open .pdf from the same dir.
I guess FS issues can now be excluded.
This is smth very PDF ?import? specific.
can you add a PDF as an image to a existing LO-Writer document using insert-image?
Yes, I did that many times in Writer. Writer always adds 1st page from PDF only, but that might be just my inexperienced hands not sure. Otherwise no issue with PDF in Writer.
Found these in gdbtrace.log:
/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/gdbtrace:9: Error in sourced command file:
No stack.
Probably debug isn’t working properly, not sure how to fix.
According to the output of those two commands I suggested you do not have Libreoffice either as a snap or a .deb installation
Could you please explain what specific lines from " apt policy libreoffice" output makes you conclude this?
I haven’t used " apt policy libreoffice" before.
Is it " Installed: (none)"?
That really looks more like you downloaded deb packages and installed them manually ([installed, local] means the package is installed but can not be found in any archive which is typically true for packages installed with dpkg -i or something similar) … did you perhaps disable any repositories in your software settings by accident after you installed it ?
EDIT: looking at the package page on launchpad it seems in fact that your version 24.2.6 is not in 24.04 …
24.2.2 was the version at release time, the security repo has 24.2.5 and the updates repo has 24.2.7
So first of all you should try to update to the version in noble-updates (make sure the repo is enabled in your settings), perhaps that has already a fix for your issue…
Just checked “Software & Updates” - all repositories are enabled.
I believe I was getting Libreoffice automatic updates recently.
I think I only lowered priority of main Ubuntu repository (don’t remember exactly which one) cause it was pushing snap version of browsers.
Here’s sudo apt update (removed only Hit 5 as irrelevant here):
apt list |grep libreoffice |grep “24.2.7”
gives nothing (after apt update of course).
cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources
`Types: deb
URIs: Index of /ubuntu
Suites: noble
Components: main restricted universe multiverse
Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg
Types: deb
URIs: Index of /ubuntu
Suites: noble-security
Components: universe main restricted multiverse
Signed-By: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg`
also, do you happen to have noble-proposed enabled (most right tab in software & updates) ?
that might explain how you got that package … proposed is for testing packages before they enter the archive, if you had/have it enabled and the version you have installed got removed due to bugs that have been found before it entered the actual stable archive, you could end up in such a situation …
“Pre-released updates” is on 2nd to the right tab “Developer options” is disabled (I believe I never enabled it).
How do I add noble-updates to Suites?
Couldn’t find “noble-updates” on 1st or 2nd tab from left in software & updates.
Modify file/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sourcesby hand?
What is Suites?
I unfortunately forgot when i posted yesterday that the package named libreoffice is just a metapackage and not installed by default as far as I remember in Ubuntu hence the output you got from that apt policy libreoffice command.
However it still doesn’t answer the problem of LO not being able to open PDFs.
ah, heh, I wasn’t aware the order differs by translation, in my german install it is always the last tab
A “Suite” has actually a few meanings in Ubuntu archive terminology …
Firstly it is the name of the release (i.e. lunar, noble, oracular were the last three) that points apt to the particular storage part of the archive for this particular version of the distro. But a Suite can also refer to “a partition” or a sub part of the archive (also often referred to as “pockets”) like $SUITE_NAME-security or $SUITE_NAME-updates.
Usually this pocket name is self explaining …
i.e. noble carries all packages for the original release, it gets frozen on release day and does not change anymore, noble-security holds all package versions with security fixes while noble-updates brings in any non-security related bugfixes to packages after release day and noble-proposed is the area where developers upload their packages for testing before they enter any of the other pockets (if a test fails the package gets removed without warning so this pocket should only be enabled when you get asked by a developer (i.e. during a conversation in a bug report) to enable it to test a potential bug fix)
Normally a fresh install of Ubuntu has all but the proposed pocket enabled by default, it is a bit curious that you do not have noble-updates at all here, was this system probably installed from a beta (or other pre-release) image ?
To change the file you can use:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu.sources
and either copy/paste the whole first block to the bottom and change “noble” to “noble-updates” or simply change the line in the first block to look like in my last post above without copy/pasting the block, both will work…
to exit the editor hit Ctrl-X and hit Y when it then asks if you want to save the changed buffer … and hit enter again to confirm the file name.
your next sudo apt update will then fetch the package lists for the updates pocket and you should be able to update to the latest libreoffice package version.
Anybody interested please reproduce and confirm if applicable (on the above site), otherwise it may not get attention for years.
Reproduced it with 24.2.7 also.