Kubuntu Graphic Design Contest

Kubuntu are thrilled to unveil an extraordinary opportunity for creatives and enthusiasts within and beyond the Kubuntu community

The Kubuntu Graphic Design Contest.

This competition invites talented designers to play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of the Kubuntu brand. It’s your chance to leave a lasting mark on one of the most beloved Linux distributions in the world.

What We’re Looking For:

The contest centers on reimagining and modernizing the Kubuntu brand, including the logo, colour palette, fonts, and the default desktop environment for the upcoming Kubuntu 24.04 release. We’re seeking innovative designs that reflect the essence of Kubuntu while resonating with both current users and newcomers.

find out more at Kubuntu Graphic Design Contest | Kubuntu


Excellent :slight_smile:

Will try for sure…

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So I tried sending an email to @ricktimmis asking some questions about the competition and I haven’t gotten a reply for a while now…with the deadline approaching I decided to try to get your attention here :slightly_smiling_face:

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So I’m trying to submit my entry for the competition but im faced with silence on all fronts, is there something I’m not aware of?

Hi, I didn’t get time to work on this. But they were very prompt when I submitted an entry for the wallpaper contest.

Hi Gambit:

Sorry for the silence. I will send a note to Rick. I might also be able to help with questions about rules or prizes. If you don’t mind asking publicly, what would you like to know?

Sincerely, Mike

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Hello Gambit

My apologies, I hadn’t spotted his thread. Thanks @mike-mikowski for nudging me.

Gambit, given that discourse is working for you, would you like to send your entry here ? Alternatively you can email me rick-timmis@kubuntu.org



Thanks mike, I was able to send off my entry at the last minute.

My question was majorly about if my location would affect my qualification for the competition and some questions about the submission requirements but being pressed for time I submitted regardless :crossed_fingers:t5:

Already sent it off and you should also see my prior email

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