Juju deploy landscape-server --channel=edge --series=jammy to Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy), on aarch64 (arm64)

Steps to deploy on Oracle Public Cloud virtual machine of shape: VM.Standard.A1.Flex, using four Ampere Altra OCPUs and 24GB of RAM:

sudo iptables -F && sudo netfilter-persistent save
sudo snap install juju --classic
juju bootstrap localhost
juju set-model-constraints arch=arm64
juju deploy landscape-server --channel=edge --series=jammy

The output from these commands was:

ERROR series "jammy" not supported by charm, supported series are: bionic, xenial, trusty, precise. Use --force to deploy the charm anyway.


  1. landscape-server fails to deploy
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Being explicit about the channel and series without running juju set-model-constraints arch=arm64 first:

juju deploy landscape-server --channel latest/edge --series focal

Produces this output:

Located charm "landscape-server" in charm-hub, revision 57
Deploying "landscape-server" from charm-hub charm "landscape-server", revision 57 in channel latest/edge on focal
ERROR cannot add application "landscape-server": invalid constraint value: arch=amd64
valid values are: [arm64 armhf]

Trying it this way:

juju set-model-constraints arch=arm64
juju deploy landscape-server --channel latest/edge --series focal

Produces this output:

ERROR no releases found for channel "latest/edge"
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Since iptables will eventually be deprecated in favor of nftables, it’s a better practice to leverage lxc config for port forwarding instead. The correct installation instructions can be found here: https://ubuntu.com/landscape/install