Is ubuntu-software going to be remove for snap:snap-store?

Ah, you’re absolutely right :confused: I’ve logged a bug. I’ll get to fixing this ASAP. Thanks!

New Store seems to work fine with the new daily build. I was able to find/install .debs and also manage already installed .deb apps.

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@vanburen07 - thanks for the feedback and continued testing!

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Here some people still have issues even with a newer build.
Perhaps I just got lucky. I’ll continue testing with newer daily builds later.
Maybe better this weekend on next Monday to give it some time for more changes.

I am still seeing this issue. I just downloaded the daily build last night, and installed it and did an update. But Ubuntu Software only see snaps. For example I searched for Liferea nothing comes up. If you search for Firefox, only snap version comes up in the search result.

Edit: never mind after reboot it seems to be search .deb files as well. But the file icons are missing. Only generic icons are being used for non-snap applications.

As we’re talking about a known bug in launchpad, I’d recommend keeping discussion about that bug, in that bug, rather than splitting the conversation here.

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Honestly I’d rather see the return/revival of Gdebi (which follows the Unix philosophy and does one thing well — install packages) rather than cramming a bunch of functionality in a monstrous, gigantic package. Why can’t the software store and a tiny installer complement each other?

You can now use apt to install .deb files from the command line.
If the deb package is steam_latest.deb, then you can install with

sudo apt install ./steam_latest.deb

You need to put the ./ in front of the deb file.

As far as I can see, gdebi has not been updated since 2015,


Ubuntu now sync with Debian. See change-log here.

The Snap store is actually working well for me. Launches fast, I am able to search not just versions of snap but also .deb. I am able to (if choose to) disable automatic updates and update apps at my own convenience (but I do love the auto updates). Will all updates be handled through Ubuntu Software? So is that not the case for 20.04, just snaps for the time being? I just done like that there are two different places to update, old Software and Updates and now this with Ubuntu Software. Not sure i this has been discussed one way to handle this would be use Updates just be for core OS update, and Ubuntu Software for all software including .deb.

Looks like today those options for auto update and also managing repos through Ubuntu Software were removed, was I dreaming? Were they never there? I will have to install the iso I have in a VM and double check.

double clicking a .deb file still cant install an app on snap-store

Hi! Ubuntu Store on 18.04 LTS also shows up firmware updates for my computer (Dell Precision 5530). Will this be supported on the new Snap Store on 20.04 LTS release? I’m quite excited about the idea of having an immutable core while installing all packages as snaps. Already installed Snap Store on 18.04 LTS :slight_smile:


Yes, firmware updates are done by fwupd, which is supported:

The snap-store seems reasonably ok on fresh 20.04 release installs other than known bug about blank source dropdown on some apps for .deb versions & a handful or so of app that’ll never show .deb packages.
Dev installs of 20.4 updated may show good or bad behavior on snap-store, very inconsistent there.

What is surprising is if one does -
Fresh install 20.04 release
Boot up, ck snap-store, should be fine.
sudo snap remove snap-store
sudo snap install snap-store
reboot or don’t…
open snap-store, quite truncated, missing categories and Explore tab
Pretty disappointing behavior there…

Ubuntu 20.04 includes snap-store from the stable/ubuntu-20.04 track. The command you ran installs from the stable channel, which is still an older code base that doesn’t support apt/deb packages or many of the more recent improvements. This is intentional for the time being. snap-store from stable/ubuntu-20.04 is branded as Ubuntu Software as it’s meant to be a replacement for ubuntu-software (GNOME Software). However, past releases of Ubuntu still use ubuntu-software (GNOME Software) by default.

For users still running 18.04 that has snap-store installed, we don’t want it to be confused with the system default for managing all packages on their system. The confusion would come in the form of two desktop launchers named “Ubuntu Software”, one for snap-store and one for ubuntu-software (GNOME Software). We will work out a plan for those users on previous installs of Ubuntu, but for the time being we’d rather they use the snap-store which is only supports snaps.


A deficiency seen here is that it doesn’t seem snap-store provides software info to gnome-shell > overview > search.


Just remove the snap support:

sudo apt purge snapd

That removes snap support from your computer. One command, soo easy.

If you still want to manage your packages in a graphical app you can do so by installing the gnome-software app:

sudo apt install gnome-software

A second command. Bearable. But that is optional. You can stick to apt.

It is not that anything is forced upon you. If you don’t agree with a default setting, just change it to your liking.


Agreed! This is Linux, always customizable if one so desires. :grin:

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@kenvandine, I’m guessing you’re the maintainer of the snap store?

I have a few papercut issues with the snap store:

  • When you first download a .deb file, Firefox only recognizes the archive manager as a valid app to open the file. After I open the app using Files and explicitly specify “software install”, Firefox also chooses Software Install the next time. Is there a way to make sure .deb files are automatically linked to “software install” instead of the archive manager?
  • Most external .deb packages are not installable using the snap store. I just get the error message “Failed to install file: not supported”. Installing them using apt install works perfectly, though. The belgian eid deb is an example of one that doesn’t open in the snap store.
  • Many (all?) apt packages in the Snap Store are missing icons. This is flameshot for example: image
  • I can’t find the Krita apt package in the snap store. I can find other apt packages, and the snap, and the apt package is available in the repo’s.

Let me know if these are known issues and whether I should file bugs for them and what additional info you need. Thanks!


We’re Ubuntu … we’d ask you kindly …

But in all seriousness … this is Linux … distros come with certain defaults, and you have the ability to change them to your liking … if you dont like snaps and their update model, do not use them !

sudo apt purge snapd
sudo apt install gnome-software

… and back you are at a deb-only system …

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