Is ubuntu-software going to be remove for snap:snap-store?

I installed Focal Fossa ISO 20200327 in which Software is replaced with Snap Store.
Snap Store don’t install Chrome, search don’t find Tweaks, Synaptic and Steam.
When you search for calculator, you get the snap version of Gnome Calculator and a proposal to install. No trace of the installed deb version of Gnome Calculator.
sudo apt install flatpak, installed Software as mentioned above.
Snap Store list 4 applications as installed and Software list 46.
I think there are a lot to do in case Snap Store shall replace Software in Ubuntu 20.04.


The snap-store preinstalled in the current ISO is snap:snap-store stable/ubuntu-20.04 308
and does not work in Wayland

Correct… same issue… I have created an bug report Bug #1870184 “Snap store not showing ubuntu repository apt apps ...” : Bugs : snap-store-desktop please go to the bug and click on it effected me button so that it gets higher priority to the developers. Thanks. :relaxed:

From what I understand, the auto-updates refer to Snap packages, and since these are containerized applications, not system updates, they can’t jeopardize the system.

I somehow feel that changing something on my PC is my job unless I tell someone else to.

: neutral tone :

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Why is the Ubuntu beta image using the semi-useless snap-store version that only shows snaps, no .deb packages…?

A bug. It should also show debs from the archive as usual.

I guess a bug of sorts though more recent ‘builds’ of snap-store are fine here.
My working install has 20200401.4cde4f1 which works fine.
Refreshing the beta’s 20191114.a9948d5 to latest/beta: 20200403.d6b9c02 also works fine…

I hope that gnome-software will get its 3.36 update soon. The appstream error with 3.35.91 is very annoying. @seb128?

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@robert.ancell did that update now

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I disagree. Most computer users don’t want or care about how computers work, and use them as a tool, not has their hobby, they’re not interested at all to learn about them, and making them or encouraging them to do so might confuse them, and annoy them.


Yes, that’s why they use Macbooks or Windows computers. :slight_smile: Plug and play!

To clarify, the goal in 20.04 is that the snap-store snap will show as “Ubuntu Software” on Ubuntu 20.04, so as to be visually consistent with previous releases. In addition, it will be able to manage debs, snaps and firmware updates, again consistent with previous releases. If it doesn’t behave like this then that’s a bug. There may well be updates to the snap-store snap since the beta ISOs were spun, and I believe there are updates to snapd to help fix any missing functionality, pending.


@jyaku, @seb128: unless I’m mistaken, @robert.ancell packaged gnome-software 3.36.0 as released in the upstream commit with the “3.36.0” tag (this fixes bug 1870991), but this does not yet include the fix for the appstream message, which was committed later (bug 1861631). I’m afraid we have to wait for upstream to release 3.36.1.

Regarding the replacement of the Ubuntu-Software APT package by the Snap-Store snap (which is the original topic of this thread), as well as the replacement of gnome-{calculator,logs,characters} snaps by the equivalent APT packages, Marcus Tomlinson has made good progress on it, many thanks to him. This is all tracked in bug 1868409. The actual deb-snap and snap-deb migration will require running the update-manager, not the apt command.

Is there a memory leak with snap-store ? It takes 300-400 MiB at start but if i restart snap-store it takes 50-100 MiB

True, but thinking like that sounds a little bit selfish. Me, @popey, @Wimpress and many others want Linux Desktop to be “plug and play” too, to be uncomplicated so that the user does not need to know how the system works. Fortunately, we are on the right track, because I know many non-techies who don’t even know what a repository is and have never opened the terminal in their lives, precisely because of the facilities that were implemented in Ubuntu. Hell, my 60-year-old math teacher uses Linux Mint and doesn’t know anything about computers.

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Does Ubuntu Software support flatpak now?
An update today removed gnome software and I had to install it again. I need flatpak versions of Kodi and Steam.

Start-Date: 2020-04-08 19:58:25
Commandline: aptdaemon role=‘role-commit-packages’ sender=’:1.105’
Upgrade: libvncclient1:amd64 (0.9.12+dfsg-8, 0.9.12+dfsg-9), fontconfig-config:amd64 (2.13.1-2ubuntu2, 2.13.1-2ubuntu3), apport:amd64 (2.20.11-0ubuntu24, 2.20.11-0ubuntu25), fontconfig:amd64 (2.13.1-2ubuntu2, 2.13.1-2ubuntu3), python3-apport:amd64 (2.20.11-0ubuntu24, 2.20.11-0ubuntu25), libfontconfig1:amd64 (2.13.1-2ubuntu2, 2.13.1-2ubuntu3), apport-gtk:amd64 (2.20.11-0ubuntu24, 2.20.11-0ubuntu25), python3-problem-report:amd64 (2.20.11-0ubuntu24, 2.20.11-0ubuntu25)
Remove: gnome-software-plugin-snap:amd64 (3.35.91-0ubuntu1), gnome-software:amd64 (3.35.91-0ubuntu1), gnome-software-plugin-flatpak:amd64 (3.35.91-0ubuntu1)
End-Date: 2020-04-08 19:58:34

Start-Date: 2020-04-08 20:03:27
Commandline: apt install gnome-software
Requested-By: p-i (1000)
Install: gnome-software-plugin-snap:amd64 (3.35.91-0ubuntu1, automatic), gnome-software:amd64 (3.35.91-0ubuntu1)
End-Date: 2020-04-08 20:03:30

There are also problems with the launcher. snap-store is running since hours and the “dot” on the dock disappeared.

One day i was opening snap-store with the launcher and another icon appeared at the bottom. It was the snap logo.

Out of the box the Ubuntu Software app (supplied by the snap store as snap-store) can install debs, snaps and firmware updates. As with 19.10 and previous releases, it doesn’t by default have the flatpak plugin installed.

As with 19.10 if you want to install flatpaks in a graphical environment, the same instructions apply: sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak

As shown here in this picture, not categories in the gnome-software application. While the Snap store has alot more predefined categories.

Is this done on purpose?