My “primary” hyperkit VM isn’t present anymore. I still can see it in “/var/root/Library/Application Support/multipassd/multipassd-vm-instances.json”, “/var/root/Library/Application Support/multipassd/vault/multipassd-instance-image-records.json” and “/var/root/Library/Application Support/multipassd/vault/instances/primary”
So I don’t know how multipass gets the instances list.
Hi @erny, there’s no need to unload/load, setting the driver will restart the daemon as necessary.
We keep separate storage per driver due to the disk images being incompatible, so what you’re doing should work fine. And yes, it’s expected that the image is downloaded separately, because it gets converted into the appropriate format for the driver.
Also note that a simple multipass delete will only mark the instance for deletion, not remove any data — multipass purge is what actually purges deleted instances (and the multipass delete --purge shortcut, too). So after a delete, it should still show up in Deleted state.
I just went through your steps and have a primary instance under both hyperkit and VirtualBox:
$ sudo multipass get local.driver
$ multipass ls
Name State IPv4 Image
primary Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
$ sudo multipass set local.driver=virtualbox
$ multipass ls
Name State IPv4 Image
primary Deleted -- Not Available
$ multipass recover primary
$ multipass start primary
$ multipass ls
Name State IPv4 Image
primary Running N/A Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Can you confirm your steps and if you can reproduce, file an issue with the daemon logs (ref. accessing logs)?