Improve presentation of "Input Method" as search result in "All Applications"


This is about “All Applications” -> “Input Method”.

Problem 1) It is found when user searches for “Keyboard”.
Problem: You cannot change anything for you keyboard here.

Problem 2) It shows a keyboard icon.
Problem: Indicates, that keyboard settings could be done here (e.g. add something like “ibus-anthy” as input).

Problem 3) It’s text is “Input Method”.
Problem: Indicates, that keyboard settings could be done here (e.g. add something like “ibus-anthy” as input).

Problem 4) It shows up as a “big” search result.*
Problem: “General Users” probably don’t need to know/use this dialog, but it’s presented as a big result.

*This may be invalid after changing the text, search keyword and icon


Suggestion 1) Should not show up for search on “Keyboard”
Suggestion 2) Change the icon to indicate something very technically. Don’t use a keyboard icon.
Suggestion 3) Change text to “Input Engine” or “Input System” ( A wording to express “this is something technical”) - This suggestion should not only be considered for the English text, but also for translations.
Suggestion 4) Make it show as a small result to indicate “this is probably something you don’t want / need”. (Probably not necessary after sugg. 1~3)

Thanks for your suggestion!

Actually we have a simpler UI in the Language Support tool which serves the same purpose as Input Method:


The intention is to hide Input Method in application menus/searches in those flavors which ship Language Support by default. So why isn’t it hidden in Ubuntu then? Probably because there was a plan to stop shipping Language Support in Ubuntu when we switched from Unity to GNOME.

But Language Support is still there, and as long as it is, it would make sense IMO to hide Input Method (im-config) also in Ubuntu.

@seb128: Any thoughts on this?

im-config is a Debian package, and as regards the name and icon, possible change suggestions should be made via the Debian bug tracker.

Thank you for you answer!

The intention is to hide Input Method in application menus/searches in those flavors which ship Language Support by default

So it’s a config bug, I guess.

I would naturally file a bug then, but I’ll wait for @seb128 's comment.

The feature is provided in a more user friendly way in language-selector so yes we should probably not list the im-config icon in the Ubuntu session

I made the change in the Debian repo:

An im-config bug in Launchpad would be good if we want to make the change in Ubuntu 20.04.

ubuntu-bug im-config

Thank you for your quick change seb128!

ubuntu-bug im-config

That saved me a lot of trouble! Thank you!

Bug created:

I hope I was not being too rough on the description there.

No problem. Less is more. :slight_smile: Thanks!