Warning: Blueprints are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. You can achieve similar effects with cloud-init and other launch options.
See also: Blueprint
Blueprints provide a shortcut to initialising Multipass instances for a variety of applications.
To see what blueprints are available, run
multipass find --only-blueprints
See more:
multipass find
To use a blueprint run:
multipass launch <blueprint name>
Launching a blueprint can take the same arguments as launching any other type of instance. If no further arguments are specified, the instance will launch with the defaults defined in the blueprint. Here’s an example of creating an instance from the Docker blueprint with a few more parameters specified:
multipass launch docker --name docker-dev --cpus 4 --memory 8G --disk 50G --bridged
This command will create an instance based on the Docker blueprint, with 4 CPU cores, 8GB of RAM, 50 GB of disk space, and connect that instance to the (predefined) bridged network.
Blueprints also provide a way of exchanging files between the host and the instance. For this, a folder named multipass/<instance name>
is created in the user’s home directory on the host and mounted in <instance name>
in the user’s home directory on the instance.
See more:
multipass launch
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