How to integrate ONLYOFFICE with Chamilo on Ubuntu


Duration: 2:00

ONLYOFFICE Docs is a professional grade office suite that comprises online editors for text, worksheets, and presentations compatible with OOXML, ODF and other popular file formats. To discover all available editing and collaboration features, refer to this article.

As you know, ONLYOFFICE Docs can be used within ONLYOFFICE Workspace or in integration with any cloud service or as a production component in a web application such as Nextcloud (integration guide is available here), ownCloud, Seafile, Alfresco (find out more details here), Nuxeo (find out more details here), Plone, Confluence (find out more details here) etc.

Embedded into e-learning platforms such as Moodle, OpenOlat, Chamilo, ONLYOFFICE editors allow editing and collaborating on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations in your studies. You can find installation guide and info about using ONLYOFFICE within Moodle in this tutorial.

This time, we will tell you about the ONLYOFFICE Docs integration with Chamilo, a free LMS that includes e-learning and content management features, distributed under GNU/GPL license.

What you’ll learn

This guide will describe how to connect ONLYOFFICE Docs and Chamilo instances to each other using an official free integration app to enhance the functionality of Chamilo including social networking, time-controlled exams, progress tracking, videoconferencing, managing multiple institutions centrally with professional document editing software.

What you’ll need

  • ONLYOFFICE Docs packaged as Document Server
  • Chamilo v1.11.14 or newer (you can get the latest version from the official website)
  • Chamilo ONLYOFFICE integration app

Installing ONLYOFFICE Docs

Duration: 10:00

You will need an instance of ONLYOFFICE Docs that is resolvable and connectable both from Chamilo and any end clients. ONLYOFFICE Docs must also be able to POST to Chamilo directly.

ONLYOFFICE Docs and Chamilo can be installed either on different computers, or on the same machine. If you use one machine, set up a custom port for ONLYOFFICE Docs as by default both ONLYOFFICE Docs and Chamilo work on port 80.

In case you’re new to ONLYOFFICE, check the software requirements and available installation options here.

Installing Chamilo ONLYOFFICE integration app

Duration: 7:00

To start using ONLYOFFICE Docs with Chamilo, the following steps must be performed:

  1. Go to Chamilo Administration, choose Plugins and click the Upload plugin button.
  2. Upload (you’ll find it here). You’ll see the plugin list.
  3. Launch composer install from the Chamilo root folder.

Configuring Chamilo ONLYOFFICE integration app

Duration: 5:00

Once the connector is installed, open Chamilo and return to the plugin list:

  1. Select the ONLYOFFICE plugin, and click Enable the selected plugins.

  2. Click Configure to access to the Settings page and specify the address of the server with ONLYOFFICE Docs installed:


The address must be accessible from the user browser and from the Chamilo server. The Chamilo server address must also be accessible from ONLYOFFICE Docs for correct work.

Using ONLYOFFICE Docs within your Chamilo platform

Duration: 5:00

To access the editors’ interface within Chamilo, just click on the ONLYOFFICE icon in the document menu:

You can now create and edit DOCX, XLSX, PPTX files.

As for collaborative features, you have at you disposal two co-editing modes (Fast, in which you can see what everyone is typing in real-time, and Strict, in which you can lock the paragraph you are working with), Track Changes, comments, and built-in chat.