How to implement a web-based streaming client

The following HTML document should give you the minimum to get started.
Detailed explanations can be found below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
    <meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding">
    <title>Anbox Streaming SDK Example</title>
    <script type="module">
    import {AnboxStream, AnboxStreamGatewayConnector} from './anbox-stream-sdk.js';

    const connector = new AnboxStreamGatewayConnector({
        url: '',
        authToken: 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN',
        session: {
            app: "",
        screen: {
            width: 1280,
            height: 720,
            fps: 25,

    let stream = new AnboxStream({
        connector: connector,
        targetElement: "anbox-stream",
        controls: {
            keyboard: true
        callbacks: {
            error: error => {
                console.log("AnboxStream failed: ", error);

    <div id="anbox-stream"></div>

Let’s go through each step here:

const connector = new AnboxStreamGatewayConnector({
    url: '',
    authToken: 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN',
    session: {
        app: "",
    screen: {
        width: 1280,
        height: 720,
        fps: 25,

Behind the scenes, the SDK is actually comprised of two parts. The connector takes care of talking to the stream backend (in this case the Stream Gateway, but this could be replaced with your own middleware) and initiating the WebRTC setup.
The Anbox Stream takes care of displaying the video and audio feed and handle controls, life-cycle events, and more.

The distinction between the two is made to make it easier to plug your own software in the SDK rather than having to re-write everything again.

In this case, the connector is made to talk directly to the Stream Gateway and thus needs its location and an access token. It also needs to know which Android application to start. should be replaced with the Stream Gateway IP/Domain name. You can get this information by running juju status.
YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN is a token generated with the Stream Gateway. is the name of an application added via ams. You can list all applications by running amc list.
The screen setting allows you to define the display resolution and frame rate for the Android container.

let stream = new AnboxStream({
    connector: connector,
    targetElement: "anbox-stream",
    controls: {
        keyboard: true
    callbacks: {
        error: error => {
            console.log("AnboxStream failed: ", error);

This is the main class. It takes the previously created connector and prepares the browser to handle the stream properly.

targetElement: "anbox-stream",

If you experience any streaming issues, you can turn on debug information by adding the following option to the main class:

   experimental: {
       debug: true,

The SDK needs an HTML element where it can attach the video, targetElement is the ID of that element.
In this case you’d need to add the following to your HTML body:

<div id="anbox-stream" style="width: 100vw; height: 100vh;"></div>

Always specify both the height and the width attribute for the container of the video element. Otherwise, the video element will not be displayed correctly. Also make sure events can reach this element, otherwise controls will not work.

The default behaviour of the video is to fill the maximum space given by this element while keeping aspect ratio intact.

controls: {
    keyboard: true
callbacks: {
    error: error => {
        console.log("AnboxStream failed: ", error);

The rest is mostly optional and is made to customise the stream. You can find a complete inline documentation in the SDK.
Note that you can register callbacks to be notified at specific points in the stream life cycle.


Once everything is ready, you can start the connection and start the stream.