How to disable LXD logging completely

Is there a way to disable LXD logs completely?

I have a backup server where I copy the containers/VM to, and in this case I do not need any logs. As of now logs are written here: /var/snap/lxd/common/lxd/logs

I want to disable this logging. Is it possible?

More info:

I found a config file here: /var/snap/lxd/common/config

There I see this: “daemon_debug=true”

Would disabling that help me?

Also in the syslog, I see logs were written to it. Can I prevent this too somehow?

So what I needed was completely disabling of logs.

sudo snap set lxd daemon.debug=false followed by sudo snap restart lxd should avoid the debug level logs.

LXD will still log some messages but only rarely.