How to check the Livepatch client status

Once canonical-livepatch, the livepatch client, is running on a machine, it will periodically (every hour by default) check for new patches.

To show the current state of the client, run:

$ canonical-livepatch status

This will produce output similar to:

last check: 5 minutes ago
kernel: 5.4.0-146.163-generic
server check-in: succeeded
kernel state: ✓ kernel is supported by Canonical until 2024-04-25
patch state: ✓ no livepatches needed for this kernel yet
tier: updates (Free usage; This machine beta tests new patches.)
machine id: {alpha-numeric-string}

The kernel state line can have one of several values:

  • ✓ kernel is supported by Canonical until {date}
    This kernel is actively supported by Canonical until the specified date. Please upgrade and reboot before this date to continue receiving patches. Note, this message means that this kernel series (e.g. 5.4) is still supported but the specific release will eventually stop receiving patches.

  • ✗ kernel not supported by Canonical
    This kernel is not currently supported by Canonical.

  • ✗ kernel is no longer supported by Canonical
    This kernel has been marked “end of life” for Canonical support and is no longer supported. To continue receiving patches please consider switching to the HWE kernel or upgrade to a newer Ubuntu release.

  • ✗ Canonical kernel support ended {date}; please upgrade and reboot
    This release of the kernel has reached the end of its support window. It is strongly recommended to upgrade and reboot, as the kernel will no longer receive any patches.

  • ✗ unable to determine kernel support status; please contact Canonical support
    Something unexpected has happened. Please contact us for support.

The patch state line can also have one of several values:

  • ⧗ livepatches are installed, but the module is not yet applied
    A new patch has been downloaded and is going to be applied.

  • ⧗ patching the kernel
    A patch is currently being applied.

  • ✓ no livepatches needed for this kernel yet
    No livepatch modules exist yet for this kernel.

  • ✓ all applicable livepatch modules inserted
    The current kernel is up-to-date with the current patches released by Canonical.

  • ✗ module inserted but kernel bug detected
    the kernel reported an error after applying the patch.

  • ✗ the application caused a crash last time it was applied, check system logs with journalctl -f -t canonical-livepatch
    An attempt to apply the patch has failed and caused the client to crash.

  • ✗ patches are no longer available for this version of the kernel, please upgrade
    The kernel the machine is currently running will no longer receive new patches, it is recommended to upgrade to a new kernel and reboot. This is normally caused by a CVE that cannot be livepatched and is a separate issue compared to the kernel state requesting an upgrade.

  • ✗ failed to verify the signature of the livepatch kernel module
    It has been detected that this patch is not from Canonical.

Hi there! This output is missing the patch version field of the output, that appears when livepatch has actually applied patches. If I may make a suggestion of improving these docs to include that in the example output, and how to relate the patch version to a specific LSN? E.g. patch version: 94.1 would relate to LSN-0094-1

Thank you!

Another suggestion might be to mention the --format argument here too? Since choosing either yaml or json produces (potentially) far more info than the normal human-readable output, and I don’t see it documented anywhere else that this is the case. Looking at the canonical-livepatch status --help output, it’s easy to (incorrectly) assume that it’s just offering the same info in different formats.

Hi @foxmulder2004, and thanks for your suggestions. This doc needs a review soon, and we’ll apply your suggestions.