How to access microk8s ingress running inside a Multipass VM from the host machine


I’m running the “charm-dev” blueprint VM from Multipass. In it I’ve enabled microk8s ingress. The questions is, how do I access this ingress from my host machine? The multipass info command shows:

Name:           charm-dev
State:          Running
Snapshots:      0
Release:        Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
Image hash:     28d2f9df3ac0 (Ubuntu 24.04 LTS)
CPU(s):         2
Load:           2.30 2.82 5.10
Disk usage:     18.5GiB out of 48.4GiB
Memory usage:   3.2GiB out of 3.8GiB
Mounts:         /home/omar => /home/ubuntu/omar
                    UID map: 1000:default
                    GID map: 1000:default

After testing I noticed that I can access the ingress through the first IP address above But why is that? and is there a reliable way to figure out which IP address to use?

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