How exactly does multipass exec command work?

Hello! I am testing multipass connected to libvirt and am wondering what mechanism does multipass exec uses to execute a command inside a running instance? Using libvirt + qemu I am used to the fact that there is no way of getting inside of a running virtual machine but via ssh or a console via vnc for example.

Hi @lionkg, we do connect through SSH to execute commands in instances. We have thoughts of connecting through a UNIX socket, to a dedicated agent inside instances at some point, but that’s not currently implemented.


Let’s see if the SSH execute commands work or not. Unix socket may be the best option.

Is it possible to disable this feature if need be? Is there a dedicated sshd process running inside of an instance? Dedicated system user inside a cloud vm?

@lionkg: Multipass VMs run Ubuntu Cloud images with a default “ubuntu” user and sshd is there by default. You could disable it, but Multipass wouldn’t be able to connect to and manage VMs.


@brodynienow4: SSH is just what we use internally, you don’t have to use it yourself – just multipass shell or multipass exec directly. multipass help for more.

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