How do I get transfer progress / speed output during LXC copy?

Whenever I make copies of containers using the lxc copy command such as:

lxc copy container-name container-name-copy

I don’t recall ever seeing any info regarding the copy operation. It just completes and that’s it.

Today I started using lxc copy to copy from a remote to my local machine via:

lxc copy remote:container_name local:container_name

And still the same thing. No output from the copy operation.

So I’ve tested this with the --verbose option as well as the -v alternative name for it, and nothing. Still no info.

The help section for lxc copy also has a --quiet option, the details of which are:

“Don’t show progress information”

Just the fact that the --quiet tag exists tells me that there must be some sort of progress / verbose info available to be output during the actual copy operation.

I just can’t figure out how to get that copy progress info.

Any ideas?

The progress progress info does show, but it depends on the transfer mechanism being used, which depends on the storage pools involved and whether optimized transfer is being used.

We are working on improving the progress info show it shows in more scenarios.


Which storage pool types are you going to and from?

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