How do I find machines which have ESM enabled?

How do I find out which machines are using ESM?


Hey @elrung !

I’ve moved your post to the Ubuntu Pro category as that is where you will have people who can help with your question.

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Hi @elrung,

I don’t believe the web dashboard yet has any feature to tell you which machines are attached to Pro or have ESM enabled.

You can always run pro status on any Ubuntu machine and it will tell you this information.

Does that help with your situation?

Thanks @grant.orndorff,

Unfortunately not (although it’s a good tip to know). Using this method I can find 3 of the five machines that are linked to my account, but it still leaves 2 that are apparently checking in (“contacted Ubuntu Pro in the last 24 hours”), but about which I’m unable to remember…

One of them could be my other laptop, or even a VM on one of the latter, but I haven’t used either of them in the last 24 hours (the VMs are off). I note that this is flagged as a beta feature, but it would be good to get a hostname from somewhere…

Many thanks,

Same here… I got “2 Active Machines” listed on the dashboard,
but I registered for ubuntu pro like 30mins ago and 100% sure only have 1 box using that subscription (yet).
I already look forward to the moment I want to enroll the 5th machine and am blocked from doing so because one of them is enrolled twice. :wink:

Plus: how do I un-enroll machines I do not have access to anymore?
E.g. broken harddisk, mainboard, whatever you use to define “machines”.

Same here i wold love to see a dashboard that i can then unenroll or disconnect enrollments to machines from the web dashboard had a few problems on my laptop i’m up to 3 machines now and if i get more issues cause i’m kinda teaching myself how to use ubuntu i’m going to max out in a year or so.

I think some open questions in this thread are answered here:

In summary, the count on the dashboard is of machines that have contacted the pro backend within the past 24 hours. There is no need to do anything for broken harddisks or other broken machines, as they will stop contacting the backend and the count on the dashboard will update in time.

A temporary small overage is also generally not an issue. Your 6th free machine will not get auto-denied.

If machines are getting double counted, that may be a bug. We’ll look into it.

As far as getting more detailed information about which hosts are attached on the dashboard. I think that’s a reasonable feature request - tagging @Lech for awareness.

Thanks again @grant.orndorff, I’m finding it weird that it’s consistently 5, but I can only track down 3 of the five… Ah well… probably a sign I should upgrade my account :sweat_smile: