How can I access to the MicroCeph panel?

It’s mentioned that MicroStack, as a HPC solution, uses MicroCeph. Ceph has a management panel itself. Where can I get access to the panel for checking and managing OpenStack volumes and generally the space on Ceph?

Thanks for asking this question, and apologies for a delayed response here.

The dashboard and management panel for the MicroStack solution are not currently enabled, but we will look to enable this in the future to provide more visibility into the storage usage and metrics.

At present, how can we get in to Ceph for more troubleshooting if a virtual machine fails to boot up due to an inability to locate the Ceph libvirt secret?

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No one here to answer :frowning:

Does that mean nobody trying this Microstack thing?

The MicroStack documentation has some details on how to dig into the various components that make up MicroStack, including MicroCeph.

The observability feature will also provide a set of dashboards from Ceph which can be used for monitoring and capacity management.