
Hi everyone,

My name is Pau and I’m excited to join the Ubuntu Community. I’ve been a fan of open-source and Ubuntu for a long time. Template’s suggestion about first Ubuntu release made me think back, and I realized that my first Ubuntu release was probably Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. It was not an introduction to the world of Linux for me but was a great surprise in terms of user experience.

I studied Business and my strong interest in data analytics inspired me to pursue a career in this exciting field. Although I don’t have professional experience yet, I’ve worked on several projects during my studies that involved data analysis and visualization. I’m also interested in AI and making this technologies accessible to people.

I’m thrilled to be part of this community, eager to get involved and be an active part of this vibrant community. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat!

Best regards,


Welcome to the community Pau. I hope you have the most excellent time here.