Great news! We now have a working Ubuntu Studio System Installer!
This was a bit trickier than the implementations used by edubuntu-desktop-installer
as you can imagine as for the initial screen (Try or Install) I had to make a totally new implementation for the KDE Plasma desktop, but the concept was the same.
However, since Plasma is easily themed, all I had to do was, similar to how Ubuntu and Edubuntu use a gsettings-override
to make a theme especially for the live environment, dpkg-divert
a settings file so that the new theme was the default theme for the live session, and make sure the theme had a blank panel with the system tray and a clock. Also, the systemd service that launches ubuntustudio-system-installer
needed to be able to remove the .desktop file on $HOME/Desktop
and put it back if it was closed, so that was easily done. The result is what you see below:
The next screen, though, has the same problem as what I posted about before with the Ubuntu logo being unable to be overridden. Apparently this was an oversight (?) in ubuntu-desktop-provision
that should be corrected on the next release, I hope.
Despite that, clicking “Try Ubuntu Studio” results in the return of the icon to the desktop and the panel being changed to the default Ubuntu Studio panel like what you see below. This is accomplished with the command line lookandfeeltool --resetLayout -a org.ubuntustudio-dark.desktop
which turned out to be really handy for this purpose.
As you can see from the images below, I’m not quite finished with the Flutter layout for the slideshow yet, but at least we’re off to a good start. Getting over the hurdles of functionality was huge, but now it’s nice that we have a functioning installer.