Hello? Introducing me! How's the water in there?

Hiya everybody!

Despite my chat handle, I’m not coming to you from the command deck of the Argo :slight_smile: My chat handle reflects some cherished childhood memories of running home from school to catch Star Blazers on the TV. In real life, I’m in Bremerton, WA.

I’ve finally joined the Ubuntu communities after being an Ubuntu user since the late naughties-ish and planting my ML development flag on Ubuntu in 2018ish. I’ve been a professional programmer for 30+ years but I’ve never really had the intestinal fortitude to dive into open source until now. Heh. Look out below! Hope everybody’s ready!!

I’ve worked on everything from graphics drivers to languages to shrinkwrap apps to data processing pipelines. I’ve got a keen interest now in data platforms.

If anybody has some pointers to understand the current Ubuntu SOTA and toolsets around data platforms, I’m all ears. My last gig was a lot of Teradata EDW data mart construction with miles and miles of mind-numbing SQL, so I’m probably somewhat behind (or adjacent to?) the times. I’d like to move now towards processing queries rather than writing them.

What else? Oh, I have a weakness for science fiction, my favorite color is periwinkle, and my favorite programming language is Haskell (with C++ and Python making a close second).

That covers it! Nice to meet all y’all.



Hi Andrew, welcome to the community. Hope you have an awesome time here.


Howdy, Andrew! Nice to have you! ^w^