My name is Rick Timmis, I am from the city of Exeter, in the UK.
I started using Ubuntu with 4.10 Warty Warthog, and started using Kubuntu with 5.10 Breezy badger, prior to this I was using Gentoo Linux, having moved from Red Hat 9. My first Linux distribution was Mandrake, which came on a set of floppy discs, and I never got it working!! I persisted, and bought a SuSe 7 Box set, with the paper manuals, and Yay!! I got it installed and running. SuSe 7.3 used the KDE desktop too.
I joined Ubuntu on Launchpad in 2011, and as a Kubuntu Member in 2015, and was elected to the Kubuntu Council in 2017… Wow!! that has gone by fast.
I am actively working with the Kubuntu Council, the Membership and the wider community, as well as externally with various partners, such as Tuxedo Computers, Entroware and of course Kubuntu Focus.
Currently I am working closely with the Kubuntu Council and KDE to prepare for the release of Plasma 6 later in February, and the Kubuntu 24.04 LTS Release in April.
I’ve spent a long time down in my hole using the old tools and the old ways, but now with some help from other community members I am finding my feet with Discourse, and Matrix, and KDE Invent ,where Kubuntu coordinates its workboards
I am very energised and excited by the recent Kubuntu Council Announcement which has catalysed an exciting new strategic vision / mission for the Future of Kubuntu
I have also been working in a technical capacity to build out a new and updated website. This will be ready in time for the Kubuntu 24.04 release, but I could use your Help.
The site uses a static site generator, Hugo, and is stored as a Git repository on Github.I recognise that not everyone who wants to write content, will want to use those technical tools, and so I have written some setup and deploy scripts that should get any new user up and running with a local development copy of the website, and the ability to edit the content and make changes.
The HELP that I need is for folks to try it out, and let me what doesn’t work, what isn’t clear, or difficult and what could be improved. The new site is on My Github
Looking forward to hanging out with you all