If you decide to follow my suggestions PLEASE HAVE BACK-UP’s first
That is one reason I don’t use Grsync, don’t read this as rant on Grsync but the Date issue was a show stopper for me.
Create directories and set their dates:
mkdir d1 d2
touch -d 'yesterday' d1
Copy the directory using rsync:
rsync -i -avR d1 d2
Override the date on the copied directory and run rsync again:
touch d2/d1
rsync -i -avR d1 d2
This process will ensure that the modification times are preserved and corrected if they are altered. Additionally, you can use the –info=progress2 option to get detailed output and ensure that the dates are being preserved correctly. Thats my method, I like to see.
If your interested I would use some thing like this:
rsync --progress --files-from=<\(find /src_path -mtime -3 -type f -exec basename {} \;\) /src_path/ /dst_path
This command will sync files that were modified within the last three days.
find /path/to/directory -type d -exec touch -d 'yesterday' {} \;
This command will set the modification time of all directories under /path/to/directory to yesterday’s date.
I won’t be around much today so I’ll check back , and Good Luck. 
I had to check my suggestion:
Location: /tank/d2/Robert Plant - 2007 - Greatest Hits (3CD)/RobertPlantCD1
date -r '/tank/d2/Steppenwolf - Discography 1968-2005 (FLAC) 88/1968 - Steppenwolf/01 - Steppenwolf.flac'
Mon Dec 16 10:28:35 AM MST 2024
Same file:
stat '/tank/d2/Steppenwolf - Discography 1968-2005 (FLAC) 88/1968 - Steppenwolf/01 - Steppenwolf.flac'
File: /tank/d2/Steppenwolf - Discography 1968-2005 (FLAC) 88/1968 - Steppenwolf/01 - Steppenwolf.flac
Size: 21828004 Blocks: 42665 IO Block: 131072 regular file
Device: 0,99 Inode: 820231 Links: 1
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--) Uid: ( 1000/ me) Gid: ( 1000/ me)
Access: 2025-03-21 14:47:26.423399041 -0600
Modify: 2024-12-16 10:28:35.023499879 -0700
Change: 2025-03-21 14:15:04.680830530 -0600
Birth: 2025-03-21 14:15:04.624831565 -0600