Getting started with a Dedicated Snap Store plays a key part of the journey of using the Snap Store. Most aspects of the ongoing design and development of core technologies are open and tracked publicly. The Snapcraft forum is robust and monitored by responsible engineers. Our team is responsive and always receptive to discuss potential bugs, issues or feedback.

Once a customer has expressed interest in using a Dedicated Snap Store and established a commercial engagement with us, our team initiates a process to set up a private store. The first step is gathering customer email addresses to enable secure store registration. Once the store has been created by our engineering team, the customer will receive credentials to log into the store and begin setup. At that point, it is largely down to the customer to decide how they want to use their private store with their devices. They can then assign permissions to other users to start configuring or operating the store. Our engineers can provide training, documentation and support at every step of the way.

There are many key concepts related to a Dedicated Snap Store, including the base store and device view store, account roles and the Serial Vault. All these features enable authenticated access by your devices to your Store and fine control of updates and software distribution. These concepts will be covered to a high level in this guide.

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Weird formatting issue in lack of line space before second paragraph. And first para extends further than subsequent paras.

URL for “Snapcraft forum” is wrong, should be “”.