Hello. Just a quick into per instructions. I arrived at this site from ubuntu.com looking for the current release notes for 24.04. I did find them as hoped. I am preparing for a hopefully routine upgrade from 22.04 on my System76 Gazelle laptop.
I recently installed the 24.04 upgrade on a 2011 Pogo Linux desktop, but the installer aborted but left a bootable machine running 24.04. I am still struggling to decide what to do with that situation. The machine dual boots with Debian 12, which is running OK. However, Debian 13 is coming and I understand that Ubuntu 24.04 is based on Debian 13. So I am worried about that, too. Not really looking for help on these issues yet (not that I’d turn any help down), but I may be soon.
Not forked from. Based upon. Technically it’s a rebuilt snapshot that freezes every February for the April release, and every August for the October release.
Consider switching from “dual boot” to “poly boot” where you can launch any of n engines.
This requires an external docking bay and SSD caddies (accessed via USB 3.0 on your laptop for speed) where you can ring changes. That is instead of “routinely” upgrading your 22.04 keep it running while you fire up a fresh 24.04. Like multi prop aero engines. Data synced (SSD’s holding your data). A different way of operating. As a further tip use rEFInd to select the engine to fire up for each flight.
I am an Ubuntu user since 11.10.
By coincidence I have a set of old DVD’s in a junk pile on my desk to clear out and one is labeled Ubuntu 12.04.
I appreciate your recommendation for “poly booting” instead of dual booting from Grub.
I guess I am doing that but only on a limited basis. Before installing 24.04 on my old desktop, I made a bootable USB flash drive for 24.04 and tested it on both the desktop and my much newer laptop. Everything I tried with 24.04 seemed to work just fine. I understand that flash drives are much slower than SSDs, but they’re also much cheaper and perhaps adequate for occasional use.
As an aero engr, I appreciate your analogy to “multi prop aero engines”. Hadn’t thought of that.
I use visual metaphors quite a lot. My background includes a mixture or art (Glasgow Art) and engineering. Apprenticed with Rolls-Royce (aero and nuclear engines) from 1955-60.
Instrumentation apprentice supporting fuel tests of “flying test-bed”.