surprisingly high flow rate of new binaries from Debian syncs on an ongoing basis (many of them rust?)
source review of everything in the queue as of Monday (including ivsc-driver and ipu6-drivers, two dkms packages that have been SRUed back to jammy)
Starting NEW review of dotnet7 which needs to be re-bootstrapped because it cant use dotnet6` as a build dependency
+1 Maintenance
chasing the perl transition. Lots of autopkgtest retries, and engaging with the Ubuntu QA team wrt some infra unreliabilities that are making this slower to progress than it should
discussions around whether we would include openssl1.1 in jammy for a partner (NO)
adjusted the behavior of retry-autopkgtest-regressions to make it possible to retry tests that have moved to state “Reference test in progress, but real test failed already”
review of branch to fix --all-proposed autopkgtests in lunar