checked most bug reports opened during the Christmas break. Most of them are from users of the new subiquity-based desktop installer.
investigated LP: #2000066 - LVM edit crash with multiple disks. Wasn’t able to reproduce the crash but opened PR 1523 to add support for multiple disks in kvm-test.
Investigated LP: #1998920 - dns search domain gets duplicated. Turns out to be a known issue when submitting IP setitngs multiple times. It also affects DNS addresses. Needs fixing but we have to be careful not to break console_conf.
Fixed subiquity asynchronous command execution disregarding stdin when connected to a pipe PR 1524
Added confirmation dialogs in common subiquity code PR 1525
Focused on implementation of mirror testing for 23.04.
Got hit on multiple occasions with CI failures caused by GitHub API rate-limiting our queries. Created LP: #2001906 and will need to be addressed going forward.
Removed End of Life releases from the autopkgtest databases on both web servers thereby freeing disk space on those units.
Submitted an MP to pass on a 404 traceback in the cleanup-instances tool.
Added lunar’s pyside2 to never-run for arm64 and s390x as it was continuously running in a loop.
Investigation into the looping test runs of dbconfig-common. It looks like a there is an issue connecting with postgres and the error message is ‘Temporary failure in name resolution’ which is considered an infrastructure issue and the tests are then running continuously. I submitted an an MP which should make the string considered a failure for the dbconfig-common package. I also cowboy’ed it into production.
Sent an email regarding updating autopkgtest in the Ubuntu archive.
Reported a bug regarding OK_PKG_STRINGS needing a rework.
Submitted an MP to ubuntu-archive-tools modifying sru-release so it won’t comment on bugs if called with ‘–no-act’.
Sponsored a Lunar update of the autopkgtest Ubuntu package for @hellsworth.
unattended-upgrades needs another upload to handle migration failure on arm64 (LP: #2001568)
Investigated dbus migration failures; upower needs a retry, not sure about libsoup3
Investigated sbuild migration failure; LP: #2000015 fixed the issue with the unshare-qemuwrapper test (which I’m still not sure I fully comprehend), but now unshare-qemuwrapper test times out
Investigating libcamera status (re: Pi camera modules) under Ubuntu