- proposed-migration: libxml-libxml-perl vs libimage-info-perl - dependency list on libimage-info-perl was wrong, fix uploaded (Bug #2051970 “ADT failure if libxml-simple-perl chosen instead o...” : Bugs : libimage-info-perl package : Ubuntu), and forwarded to Debian. (debbug 1062527). The debian maintainer improved upon the fix and merged (thanks Gregor), so I synced libimage-info-perl.
- merges
- dpkg merge and upload, then did it again to fix the manpage part of the delta
- also merged p11-kit, kiwi
- subiquity
- PR: 1902 - better handling of cloud-init status
- PR: 1907 - add the capability flag for encrypted ZFS, and use it to trigger part of an encrypted install (cryptoswap)
- investigating the ustriage script for improvements in subiquity bug triage, but I think I like the launchpad web search queries better
- investigation on code coverage reporting and CI enforcement. Early data suggests Subiquity is around 60% coverage with unit tests.
- curtin
- MP: #460156 - fix the DEVLINK selected for cryptoswap devices
- patch-pilot
- ubuntu-maintainers-handbook
- PR: #121 - fix typo
- greenhouse
- catch up on PR reviews
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